As every who reads my blogs knows, I am pagan and anti-organized religion...especially the Southern Baptist bullshit.
But, I have constantly defended certain Christians I felt were actually following Jesus and are actually good people, smart and all of that....
I use to think that my X husband, was one of those christians. He is very religious and has for years spent mornings in prayer, fasted, and studied the bible. He has been a very good man as a father, employee and friend...
He has even said on more than one occasion "I do everything I can not to "sin", and he does, he tries to walk the line with Jesus...
So, we were talking on the phone about voting and I told him I was voting blue...he is not. He is voting for Trump...
Trump: a 34 time federally convicted felon for cheating and hiding hush money to pay off a porn star.
He has openly said he could "grab womens pussies" and get away with it...
He was charged with sexual assault to a woman and had to pay her like 94 million dollars in
damages, and again charged with defamation of the same lady..
He incited a riot on Jan 6-2020, a violent mob, and said it was all about "love"...
He tells lies all the time, lies that are fact checked at every corner as out and out lies.
Trump is the worse man in history, the worst sinner ever...and my holier than thou husband is voting for about hypocrisy....This highly religious man, christian man, voting for a man that spits in the bibles face, spits in christians faces...
I no longer think that John is a good man, a christian man...he is just as much of a hypocrite as Trump is, and I fear all the other "christians" I have been defending are also nothing but secret hypocrites as well....\
No person of God, no one who truly follows the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, would endorse and vote for the devil...that is what Trump is...the devil.
So, I now have lost all faith in "good" people who preach Jesus...they are not christians, they are manipulators and sinners in the same category as Donald trump.
Would Jesus vote for Trump? Would Jesus vote for a man who consistently breaks all the commandments and thinks that He is God?? I think not, but, again, Jesus was nothing but a man, a good man, the same good as I really thought my husband was....what a fucking joke.
Christianity, especially the Southern Baptist faith, is nothing but a lie and people are falling for it all the time....
I now have zero respect for my X. ZERO...he has shown his real self, who he really is and that is a christian hypocrite, right up there with Trump himself...
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