So this is what happens when your body does not get sleep.
Yesterday, was an awful day. I had only slept maybe 2 hours the night body was tingling with exhaustion. I tried a couple of times to take a nap, which was not productive, as my mind would not shut off...
Kevin and his son decided to go Kayaking. I absolutely was too physically tired to go, so I said ya they did...they came, loaded up the Kayaks and left for the cove.
I ate a peanut butter sandwich and decided to try and lay down. Of course that did not work, so I got up and started cleaning the hutch for the guinea pigs. As I was cleaning out the hutch, I felt my blood sugar falling. It was in a free fall, I struggled to take my reading, and it showed I was at 31. Normal is 100-140 for me...
that was all I remember....
Next thing I knew there were two paramedics standing over me in the kitchen. I had no fucking ideal, I did not call them....evidently I had tried to eat ice cream, the ice cream container and a spoon was on the floor with me. I vaguely remember "eat something"....I passed out, I guess.
I am so glad I left the sliding glass doors unlocked, that was how they got in, otherwise they would have broken a window, as I was laying on the floor. Kevin came flying in the door after they were already here. Evidently I had sent kevin the 31 reading on a text (which I do if it gets low and he is not with me), he tried to call me back, but...I was out of it, unconscious, so he called 911 from the middle of the lake! I cannot even believe that he had cell service...there is NEVER cell service at the cove.
I refused to go to the hospital, the paramedics got my sugar back up to 205 before they left.....within 40 minutes of them leaving, my sugar had already dropped to the high 60' was going down again. But Kevin was there and he got me some food to eat that was high protein. Finally, we stabilized my insulin level....
He forced me to take a Xanax to sleep that night. I finally slept, for about 6-7 hours....
It is already so hard for me to eat food, with all my stomach issues from many past major abdominal surgeries...which was the direct cause of my Type 2 diabetes. I need to eat meat...the proteins in meat is what my body desperately needs, but I physically cannot digest red I am fucked.
The insomnia is a definite factor in my severe hypoglycemia. If I don't sleep, I cannot manage my blood sugar levels, its impossible.
I also rapid switch when I am alters even go crazy....
The worse part about what happened yesterday, was that Kevins son saw it all....he must have been terrified....the last time him and his dad went to a house, with an ambulance, they found our friend dead....then he sees his dad in panic mode, trying to get off that lake and to me, only to drive up and see an ambulance and me....fuck fuck fuck
I seem to always ruin his visits to his dad.....he already has to deal with so much drama with his mother, and he goes to his dads to get some relief and be with his father, and all he gets is more fucking drama with me.....
I feel so worthless....I am so tired, not just physically, but mentally too, I am mentally exhausted with trying to navigate my diabetes, insomnia and anxiety is through the roof.
EMSA told Kevin to buy a lock box and put my house key in it. Then tell the fire department and whoever else the combination, in case this ever happens again. The lock box will be on my balcony.
I am starting to realize that I cannot live alone. I have to have a babysitter....but, Kevin and I cannot move in together because of my legal separation status and alimony. I cannot live with anyone or I lose the spousal support. But it is starting to become abundantly clear that I cannot live by myself health is just to unpredictable....and this depresses me....
so pile on depression to go along with insomnia and diabetes and alters....
I just need to be locked up in a hospital for the rest of my pitiful life.
PS. I am getting close to the end of my rope, and once I get there, I am letting go....
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