Monday, January 2, 2023

Disappointed in viewership

 So about a month ago, we released a video where I am telling my story.  The video is all me, no Kevin.

What is interesting is, this video had the most views and comments.  This video was not educational, it was raw and very hard for me to make.

We released another video, about Sophee, and it was mostly Kevin talking and the views are way down.

This tells me that people do not want to be "educated" about DID.  They just want to see the "show".  

I bet, if we let the alters talk on camera, then the looky loos would view and comment...

This is very discouraging for me.  I am not a "show".  I am not a "freak", I am a woman who lives with a horrible condition called "DID".

I am guessing that our Youtube Channel will only be "good" if I talk more on video and I allow the alters to be on camera.  But if I do that, people will not tune in to see and learn from them, they will tune in to watch the "freak show".

I AM NOT A FREAK, I am a person, who deals with multiple personalities that are not of my own making.  

It hurts my  heart that people are only interested in the "gory details", rather than being interested in the condition itself.

I am nothing more than a novelty.

S, T


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