Growing up, I was loosely raised in the southern baptist religion. So I knew all the bible stories and of course, Jesus. But at the age of 9, I discovered the stories I heard my whole life were all lies, so I quit believing in god.
But everyone was christian, so as to not get into trouble, I pretended to be a christian also.
At 14, I was introduced to Wicca. I was instantly drawn to the "nature" element and respect for the earth. It felt easy for me to be believe, the grass, I could touch it, the flowers, I could smell them, the trees, I could climb was beautiful.
At 16, I was introduced to Satanism. The worship of satan and the mockery of christianity. Already not being a christian, and young and impressionable, I fell for this...unfortunately it ended very badly for me.
Now I do not believe in any god, satan, angels, demons, heaven, hell, etc....
I believe in science. And I practice my type of Witchcraft, I call being a Green Witch. Which means I respect and honor and take care of all forms of life, and I do not harm. No harm to our earth, our animals or our people. Just be a good person.
On my Jeep, I have skeletons. Not because I am evil or am obsessed with death or wish death on anyone. Skeletons mean equality. Under the color of your skin, no matter your race, religion or even sex (minus the one rib) everyone is nothing but bones...bones go back into the earth...dust to dust...bones are beautiful.
So on my jeep are lots of skulls, wiccan symbols, skeletons and the like. I decided to add an inverted cross.
Why??? because a green witch is a respecter of ALL religions, everyone has a right to believe what their heart tells them. I respect fact, an inverted cross is actually showing respect to the christian religion.
Jesus, the man Christians follow and worship, was a good man, "sin" free, he did no wrong, yet he was cruelly and brutally hung on a cross, executed. For nothing. Jesus had many followers, disciples, and the masses....later, the disciples started being round up and killed...when the apostle Paul was found, they wanted to hang him on the cross like Jesus.
Paul said "no", I am deserving of death, Jesus was not, hang me upside down. And they did. They inverted the cross.
I respect the christians Jesus, so, by putting an inverted cross on my jeep, it says "I am not worthy of your jesus death either".
Like everything in the world, the SATANIST took a violent form of death and started flaunting that death and they turned it upside down as a mockery of God. Trying to thumb their noses as the christians, when in all actually they are promoting the truth of the inverted cross...they are not worthy of Jesus death either....kinda funny
The cross, in the day it was used, was the most brutal form of abuse none to man, if you watched the "Passion of the Christ" it is the closest you can come to showing the horror of the cross....
When I see christians wearing little gold cross necklaces around their necks, it really makes me sick. They are glamorizing the executions style by gold and diamonds..."Look I am a christian, I am wearing a gold cross necklace, I am worthy and equal to Jesus to die about egotistical hypocritical horse shit.
A true christian would wear that little cross upside down and show the world they are humble, not worthy of Jesus, and certainly not worthy of his type of execution...
Like everything in the world, here we are again, only this time its the Christians. Making a cross jewelry, and beautiful, they are themselves making a mockery of christ, they are thumbing their noses at him too! AND THEY ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO SEE THAT....SO FUCKING SELF CENTERED AND SELF RIGHTEOUS HYPOCRITS.
So, don't assume I am a satanist because I have an inverted cross on my jeep.
don't assume I am a black witch, evil with warts, and eat little children because I have a wiccan symbol.
I am a pacan wiccan. PERIOD, but I am a respecter of all life, and if a life involves a particular belief system, then I respect that.
However, do not try to teach me your religion, chances are I know more about your religion than you do, and second I am not interested.
If I ask you a question, then answer it as you believe, if you ask me a question, I will answer it as I believe. Mutual respect.
S, Tessa
As a caveat to this blog, at the Blue Ridge Jeep Invasion, the jeep were were parked next too, Kevin and I got to visit with the owners. Their jeep was called "Devils Daughter"...
As we were sitting there, the husband point blank asked me why I had an "inverted cross" on my jeep. He was not being mean or anything just curious. So I told him, everything I explained above about the meaning of the inverted cross. I also told him I was Pagan, yet I respected all peoples faiths and beliefs.
After a minute of him contemplating what I had just explained, he thanked me, and said, "I never thought of it that way, and that makes perfect sense." We all went on to have a great time together, enjoying our jeeps...
If you don't ask, you will never know. If you just assume...then you are making "ass out of u and me"...
Knowledge is power, knowledge is wisdom.