Monday, June 27, 2022


 So yesterday I was sitting on my balcony and decided to come in doors.  I was thinking about the biopsy procedure I have coming up...I am very scared about that.

I went in the house and gave Boomer a treat then he took it and went into the bedroom to lay in his crate.

We were all alone in the apartment.  I sat on the couch, after putting two feathers in the nest on my altar (I found the feathers outside). Then I turned on my salt lamp and sat myself down on my couch.  while sitting there I closed my eyes and started taking deep breaths to try and calm down...I am really nervous and scared for this medical procedure coming up) I was deep breathing when MaryBeth came to mind, then I thought of Kathy, then my daddy, then JR, Bart, all the people who have died this year, so many....then I felt myself going deep into myself, and all of the sudden I heard "Jetts voice", loud and distinctly...he said "You're here" I felt Jetts presence, Boomer started growling from the bedroom then he barked and came out of my room and walked straight to me on the couch...My eyes were closed because of Jett, and Boomer used his nose to lift up my  hand to his head and he licked me...Boomer brought me back...

Did Boomer know Jett was with me?  Did  he hear Jett talk?

It was silence in my apartment, except for me breathing.  Boomer was in the other room, none of my neighbors were here, no sirens , no noise at all except Jeff speaking....and that brought Boomer out to check...

I know dogs have exceptional hearing and smell, I think he saw and smelled Jett and Jetts spirit.



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