I was in a christian prison for 20 years. What is a christian prison? Is there such a thing? How can a christian prison be so bad? And I am speaking mostly about born again southern baptist christians...
In 1983 I married a christian man. In my head, he would be a good father, provider and husband for me, being a christian and all, he seemed to be a good man. And he was a good man, to a point.
He was also very mentally and emotionally controlling, he was a christian prison guard.
Living in his home, his prison, his rules:
No TV shows with sexual innuendo was allowed to be watched, no "friends", no "big bang theory", no sit coms of any sort...
No movies were allowed to be watched in the home that were rated above PG.
If a show or movie was on, and a swear word or cuss word is said, the TV was immediately turned off by the prison guard.
The guard would not take me to the movies at a theatre unless it was a Disney cartoon or Pixar animated children's show.
I was not allowed to listen to any type of music in the home or in my car except christian/gospel music.
I was expected to dress a certain way, never allowed outside the home without a bra on, unless I was in my bathing suit in the pool.
I was expected to be dressed with make up on and dinner ready when the guard got off work.
I could not gain weight, I could not dress in tight fitting clothes...I had to be camera ready, so to speak.
In public, because my prison guard was a public persona (on the news all the time for Tinker AFB reports) and a high profile civil servant that traveled all over the US representing the AF. He also, hobnobs with governors, generals, and other high profile people, so I always had to be "perfect" in case I was with him, or ran into any of his high profile friends in public.
My tattoos always had to be covered up in those situations, so as to not look bad in front of the elite....
the entire family had to be in church every time the church doors were open, Sunday all day, Wednesdays, VBS, Youth camps, revivals, whatever was going on in the church, we had to be there.
I was expected to teach Sunday school, GA's, youth...I was expected to be the supportive christian wife...
I could never voice my opinion on any manner unless I could back it up with bible scriptures. If the bible could not back up my opinion, then my opinion was wrong.....period.
When I violated any of these rules, the guard would lecture and admonish me with scripture and God judgement, then lock himself in his office and give me the silent treatment...
If I was dealing with something, a memory, or a black out or whatever, the guard would say "let me pray about this", "let me ask God for the answer"...he never helped me, never sought to figure out why I was upset...I could never tell him specifics of memories, as he would just act like he was listening then say "I need to pray about this..."and I never heard from him again...
When I was in and out of therapy throughout my incarceration, the guard never accompanied me...he went to one TBI support group and left telling me " I have all the support and help I need with God, I don't need a group of people..." and he never went again.
I was always paranoid if I went to a bar "Louies" and sat at the bar and had a beer...what if someone from the church sees me? what if one of Johns peers saw me? then it would be hell to pay when the guard found out. "you can be causing someone to stumble in their christian walk if they see you drinking...or, you are making me look bad, like I have no control over my wife..." "you look like a hypocrite, church on sunday and bar on other days"....he would heap on the guilt and christian condemnation that they are all so good at!
He also would accuse me of having "sin in my life" when I was angry or rebelling against him, or if I was sick physically or even mentally, it was always because I had hidden sin somewhere...and I needed to confess and ask for forgiveness...
But I endured this prison...for my kids, and for my kids only...I did not want to leave and give them the legacy I lived my entire life with divorced parents, step parents and no stability. So I sacrificed who I was down deep inside for the sake of my children.
But once they were grown and gone from the home, I knew I could no longer justify staying in this prison...so I started looking for an escape.
But sadly, the escape was suicidal tendencies, I felt I had no life left to live, there was no me, who the fuck was I anyway??? Johns wife, the kids mother? But who was Melissa??? I was ready for execution.
But before I died, I wanted to take a trip, and try, as a last ditch effort, to figure out myself, what I wanted, what I needed, what I desired...and on that trip, I discovered I did not want to die...I wanted to live, but I wanted to live on my terms...so I left my prison and my prison guard.
I didn't even care how this would reflect on the guard, I was done.
I paroled myself. I changed my environment, moved 1000 miles away from the prison, I changed my name legally, I ditched Melissa...and Sparrow was born. I went into witness protection sort to speak.
I am now a new person...Sparrow...I am no longer forced to be christian or act christian...I can be the pagan I have always been since a very small child...I realized at the age of 9, that god did not really exist at all....that god was nothing more than a tool to control and abuse others...
It is so freeing to be released of all the christian fucking judgment and condemnation that is what BAC's strive on (born again christians), I can watch whatever I want , listen to whatever I want, do whatever I want...I am free...and freedom is wonderful. I do not have to worry about being a hypocrite if I watch an R rated movie, or if I say "fuck"...and I do not have ANYONE whispering behind my back "she did that and she is suppose to be a christian?? what a hypocrite.." I have none of that fucking baggage and bondage. I am no christian...
I do not have a pastor or husband telling me what to do, or what to say, or where to go, or how much money to give the church, I do not have anybody over me slamming me with the worthless book called the bible.
I am now in Heaven....the christian prison was my hell....along with the abusers that ruined my childhood. I am safe, happy and protected, and most of all FREE!!!!
S, 7, sammy