Thursday, June 24, 2021


 So, probably the most aggravating part of having of having DID, is not being able to peruse what an alter has written....I usually do not even know that one of them have written in my blog until it is pointed out to me, usually by my advocate.  Most of them now are learning to sign their name or first initial, if they blog, but not all of them.

I think they are like a kid in a candy store for the first time..."what?  we can blog?, its okay?" they seem to be blogging alot.  I usually do not care for what they say, but my advocate says, its important for them to be able to speak their mind and not be ridiculed or chastised for what they say or how they feel and they do not have to pretend to be me, not on this blog.

A couple of blogs have actually been taken down because of their content....and my advocate has also taken some down...he has kept them intact, but he does not let me read all of them all the time...I may not be able to handle something one of them wrote, so he will take it down, until I am emotionally ready to read it and to accept what they have to say, whether it is how they feel or a memory they are giving me...

Its funny, but people reading these blogs might think "damn this girl is psychco, she is all over the map...she must have multiple personalities...haha" when in fact, I do have multiple personalities, so the joke is on them!

Some things I have written, or I should say, they have written, are mean...and I, Sparrow, would never think a certain way....but what they feel is 100% okay.  They are distinct personalities with their own likes, dislikes, arguments whatever...they are not me.  Just because they are in my head, does not mean they are me, in the sense that they should think and act like me....they do not.

If someone is reading a post, whether good, bad, horrific, funny or what, the fact that they are reading it, means I am still alive......and my alters are doing their job!


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