Sunday, November 3, 2019

WHY Christianity is a fucking sham.....

I would like to explain why I personally, am anti-religion and anti-christian god.......also anti-satan, heaven and hell, and angels....

As far as I can remember,  even as a very small child, I was extremely abused in every way possible, while my "mother" watched and didn't try to help.....EVER yet she trotted us off the Vacation Bible School and other church functions...

I attended a Baptist church as a Saturday night, I was taken to the church by a boyfriend...I was drugged, laid on an alter and a baby pig was sacrificed on my the name of Satan...but I was told it was a baby, infant (and for years  I believed it was an infant).....the Satanist were deacons of that baptist church...Sunday morning there they were blessing and praying for others and collecting the offering.....

I have watched so-called Christians minister to others, then drink themselves drunk, cheat on their spouses, watch porn, swear and eat like fucking pigs, but Sunday morning  "Praise god from which all blessings flow..."""  HYPOCRITES

I worked as a church secretary for about 8 mos, baptist those months, the minister of education fondled my hair and rubbed my neck and told me "the only thing my wife is good at is making babies, I bet you are good at more alot more...."  Also as secretary, I found porn magazines in the church dumpster that belonged to three different deacons (had their names and addresses on the mags)...why was I in the dumpster?  I accidentally threw away a payroll stub and had to go and find it, but surprise....fuck HYPOCRITES

I have had more come-ons and sexual innuendos from so-called christian men than I can even own personal family of so-called born again christian bible thumping people I watch eat gummy bears that are marijuana and prescribed to a cancer patient, because they love how it makes them feel....I have watched them cuss, get drunk, tell dirty jokes, be racist worse than the KKK, fucking gossip until their heads are spinning, and eat like pigs and get fatter than shit and then ask for prayer because they had a heart attack or became diabetic...FUCK THAT...HYPOCRITES

My X husband, instead of working with me, trying to help me in my brain tumor department and in my struggles, trying to fix my issues best he could, he would just retreat to his little office get on his knees and pray for god to do it.....SEE WHERE THAT GOT HIM...!!!!!


My "mother" (and she is in quotes because she was only a mother by biology) and new stepdad, decided to enroll in the Baptist Seminary University in Ft Worth TX.   If, you have been divorced, you have to write a letter to the seminary telling them "why" you divorced and decide if it was it biblically ok.  My step dad caught his wife in bed with another man, adultery.. he was admitted .

My "mother" was on her third marriage...I was a product of the first marriage....and there was no biblical reason she could claim for leaving him....the second marriage was violent and brutal, reason to leave sanctioned by the seminary.    So she completely omitted my existence and her first marriage...only acknowledged my sister and brother...I read the goddamn letter.....NOW, my step dad knew what her letter said and let it go.....So both of them covered up mamas little sin......then when he was pastor of a church,  I was never allowed to acknowledge my birth father, only him as my own (bio) father could not come to his granddaughters church recitals because then the "dirty little secret would come out"....I WAS THE DIRTY LITTLE SECRET...HYPOCRITES

It was not even until I was in the 6th grade did I find out my birth father was not a distant uncle, but my father!!!!  CHRISTIANS HAVE LIED TO ME, ABUSED ME AND TRIED TO GUILT ME ALL MY LIFE....


At least I am honest, I will not tell you one thing and do another...if I am gonna swear, fuck....if I am gonna watch porn, I will invite you, if I am gonna get drunk, it won't be alone, and I will not say "I will pray for you"  I will actually do something for you that actually helps....

If you as a bible thumping christian want to proclaim god..then you better damn well study that bible and adhere to it...AND LIVE EVERY DAMN WORD

Sin, according to the bible
-"gluttony" (how many fat preachers and fat christians are there? with all their pot luck dinners???)
-"adultery" (even looking upon another mans wife in lust is adultery), how many watch porn, and have pornographic magazines...affairs...
"murder" (how many abortions in the name of "rape" or "not convenient or embarrassment to the family are there)
-Your body is the temple of God (smokers, glutony, fast food, drinkers...etc...)
-Obey the laws of the land (scripture," render unto Ceaser what is ceasers") embezzlers, speeders, shop lifters, non tithers, tax fraud, cheaters....
-"homosexuality" (can you say catholic priests??) and church members...
-"love of money",  greed, materialism, workaholics, fraud building bigger and better churches...evangelist with airplanes and mansions..TITHE TITHE TITHE  HYPOCRITES

the list goes on and on....."BORN IN SIN" mean to tell me two "christian" parents, married, conceive a child to be born into sin????? a child who had no part of his birth...???this child has a sin-nature???????   THIS CHILD LEARNS SIN FROM THE HYPOCRITICAL PARENTS AND CHURCH HE IS RAISED IN.

You are taught by fear, and guilt by the church....Fear of Hell, and guilt for living....AND YOUR FUCKING LIFE IS SO FULL OF GODDAMN DON'TS YOU SUFFOCATE...


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are finally opening up about these matters. ♥️


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