Thursday, April 19, 2018

the bunny/the puppy(*)

So, there was the little girl who had a little sister...They argued and fought all the time...I am sure it must have been very annoying to listen too...

Those two girls had a little bunny, a pet.  One day they were sitting on a porch and the older sister would not let the younger one hold the bunny....she was being the younger one went in the house and tattled...

Well...the father figure comes out and tells her to give the little sister the bunny...the girl said no "she hurts the bunny, she holds it too tight"...she had the bunny inside her jacket, hiding it...

the father figure reached in and grabbed the bunny, yanking it out of the jacket...he then twisted the bunny's neck, breaking it..the bunny screamed then was dead...he handed the bunny back to the older sister and said "there, now there will be no more fighting over that stupid rabbit..."

the older sister killed the rabbit...if she had only shared...she was selfish and the bunny paid...she should have known.....


"LouLou" and Sparrow about 1965

That same little girl another time had a puppy...but the puppy barked and had accidents in the house which did not make the father figure day he had had enough..

he told her to bring the puppy to the bathroom to give him a bath...
she did his bidding...then while bathing the pup he told her to hold the puppy under the water until it drowned...if she didn't he would punish her, which she knew was a bad thing..(*).so she drowned her puppy....

He gave her a shovel and told her to go dig a she went outside and started digging...a little while later the father figure came out and was pissed the hole was not deep enough so he pushed her into it and threw the dog on her...he went back into the house and she dug the hole deeper and put the dog in and filled it back up with dirt...

After...she went into her room and talked to her imaginary friend...

I have realized that more happened than what I had thought...what I had believed all my life...I believed that I drowned that puppy..but I was only 7 or 8 yrs old, this was a beagle, I was not big or strong enough to hold a struggling dog under water until it died...but in my head that was what I thought happened, and I carried that sick awful memory......but, in reality, more has come to the surface...

I did have to wash that dog, I got in the tub with him...My "dad" came in there and put the dog on me and held that dog against me, held his nose and mouth under the water until it died....HE drowned the dog, but I thought I did......then he grabbed a towel, wrapped the dog in it, went to the garage...I heard a door slam (car door?) and he came back in....he told my mother the dog had been hit by a car and he was going to bury it....he had me help dig the grave, I was not able to dig it to his liking or deep enough....I never told anyone what really happened,  I never said a word about anything....I just stuffed the incident and memory deep into my mind.....

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