Sunday, April 15, 2018

More poems....etc

Vision over blindness
mind over faith.
vivid memories, blurry faith, burry religion
a gentle touch
in a sea of waves
voices everywhere, a whisper captured
head knowledge, heart ignorance
a spirit caught, by a strong soul
a lone warrior
in a carvern of enemies...

The Pond

"Peace, be still"
soothing, poetic, relaxing,
a small pond amidst the trees
secluded, peaceful, a world away
a fish jumps, violently disturbing the water,
waves fan out in obnoxious disarray
underneath, in the deafening void
lives an underworld of chaotic existence
the waves become still, peaceful again
recovering its shock,
only to be harassed again...

Edge of Panic

I've been climbing this ladder, for some time
but, I never seem to reach the top
until now...
I am trying to steady myself, but the height makes me dizzy
I'm on the edge of panic
there's no way down, but to jump
the ladder is full of ghosts, chasing me
coming after me, step by step, rung by rung
I can't climb up anymore, a few steps, then I fall..
the pool seems so soft, gentle
 head first, the water will break and welcome me
 fall flat, the impact will kill me
I don't know what to do
I am lost, I want to jump, I want to climb back down
and let the ghosts have me...
what shall I do?  will I survive?

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the Tent

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